_interpolation_steps = 1 return pth def _update_values ( self ): self. _readonly = False if internals_from is not None : pth. _vertices = _to_unmasked_float_array ( verts ) pth. Note that ``readonly`` is never copied, and always set to ``False`` by this constructor. Parameters - verts : numpy array codes : numpy array internals_from : Path or None If not None, another `Path` from which the attributes ``should_simplify``, ``simplify_threshold``, and ``interpolation_steps`` will be copied.

_readonly = False def _fast_from_codes_and_verts ( cls, verts, codes, internals_from = None ): """ Creates a Path instance without the expense of calling the constructor. _interpolation_steps = _interpolation_steps self. NUM_VERTICES_FOR_CODE = " ) elif closed and len ( vertices ): codes = np.

uint8 # Path codes STOP = code_type ( 0 ) # 1 vertex MOVETO = code_type ( 1 ) # 1 vertex LINETO = code_type ( 2 ) # 1 vertex CURVE3 = code_type ( 3 ) # 2 vertices CURVE4 = code_type ( 4 ) # 3 vertices CLOSEPOLY = code_type ( 79 ) # 1 vertex #: A dictionary mapping Path codes to the number of vertices that the #: code expects. note:: The vertices and codes arrays should be treated as immutable - there are a number of optimizations and assumptions made up front in the constructor that will not change when the data changes. See the rcParams whose keys start with 'path.'. Some behavior of Path objects can be controlled by rcParams. This helps, in particular, to consistently handle the case of *codes* being None. Instead, they should use `iter_segments` or `cleaned` to get the vertex/code pairs. Users of Path objects should not access the vertices and codes arrays directly. If *codes* is None, it is interpreted as a ``MOVETO`` followed by a series of ``LINETO``. ``CLOSEPOLY`` : 1 vertex (ignored) Draw a line segment to the start point of the current polyline. ``CURVE4`` : 2 control points, 1 endpoint Draw a cubic Bezier curve from the current position, with the given control points, to the given end point.

``CURVE3`` : 1 control point, 1 endpoint Draw a quadratic Bezier curve from the current position, with the given control point, to the given end point. ``LINETO`` : 1 vertex Draw a line from the current position to the given vertex. The code types are: - ``STOP`` : 1 vertex (ignored) A marker for the end of the entire path (currently not required and ignored) - ``MOVETO`` : 1 vertex Pick up the pen and move to the given vertex. For example, to represent a cubic curve, you must provide three vertices as well as three codes ``CURVE3``. The underlying storage is made up of two parallel numpy arrays: - *vertices*: an Nx2 float array of vertices - *codes*: an N-length uint8 array of vertex types, or None These two arrays always have the same length in the first dimension. Class Path : """ A series of possibly disconnected, possibly closed, line and curve segments.